AMG Team

AMG Foodservice Sales represents leading manufacturers of commercial foodservice equipment, smallwares and tabletop products, and indoor/outdoor furniture. Our professional 5 person outside sales team supports customers in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia and Western PA.
The AMG team attends all NRA and NAFEM shows as well as key regional meetings which keep us informed of industry trends. AMG Foodservice Sales is also a proud member of the MAFSI organization and our staff has earned many industry professional certifications including CPMR (Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative), CFSP (Certified Foodservice Professional), CPM (Certified Purchasing Manager) and Serve Safe certification.
For assistance please contact your local AMG staff member below. We look forward to working with you!
Jim Escola - President
Territory - Key Accounts in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana
Ph - (502) 645 2743
Email - esc2jim@aol.com
Jim Escola Jr. - Sales
Territory - Kentucky, Central/Southern West VA, Southern IN
Ph - (502) 640 1153
Email - jim@amgfoodservicesales.com
Bridget Watkins - Sales
Territory - Central Ohio, Northwest OH, Michigan
Ph - (740) 684 6024
Email - bridget@amgfoodservicesales.com

Tim White - Sales
Territory - Western PA, Northeast Ohio, Northern WV
Ph - (724) 714 1662
Email - tim@amgfoodservicesales.com
Tommi Wheeler - Smallwares Specialist
Office - Columbus, OH
Ph - (614) 359 2183
Email - tommi@amgfoodservicesales.com
Pamm - Customer Support / Inside Sales
Main Office - Louisville
Ph - (502) 339 4668
Email - Pamm@amgfoodservicesales.com